Go/GoPlus update failed to download?
When you first log into Go/GoPlus, you may find the update takes a few minutes to download.
If you experience a problem logging into your system, it may be because the update failed to install.
If the update has failed to install, the following error message will appear:
* Activation of as11.mandata.co.uk/WebServices/Mandata.AdvancedServices.DesktopClient.AS11.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Exception occurred during store operation.
+ Value does not fall within the expected range.
How to install the update:
For the update to install, you’ll first need to rename a folder on your PC. Please follow these steps to rename the folder. We’ve included a screen recording below, to guide you through the process.
1. From File Explorer, navigate to your OS:(C:) prompt
2. Go to the Users folder
3. Then go to the folder named with ‘yourusername’ eg. ithompson
4. Go to the AppData folder
Please note: the AppData folder is usually a hidden folder, and you may have to turn on the ‘Hidden items’ setting in file explorer to show it:
5. Navigate to the folder named Local
6. Navigate to the folder named Apps
7. Right click to Rename this: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0
To this: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0.old
Then run Go and the update should install.
Please contact our Support team for further assistance.